Beginning in April 2025, all medical & dentists in Liberia will be required to complete CPD in order to renew their license. Individuals medical & dentists are expected to identify their individual learning needs, complete approved CPD content, and keep a record of CPD activities and present documentation to the Board when required.

CPD is measured using Continuing Education Units (CEUs), with 1 CEU corresponding to 10 hours of active learning. All health professionals in Liberia, including [insert cadre name] are required to complete 4 CEUs (equivalent to roughly 40 hours) every 2 years.

CEUs may be earned through a variety of CPD activities:

• Approved CPD courses offered by registered CPD providers (certificate required if over 5 hours)

• Pre-approved activities (certificate required if over 5 hours)

* Online training at the following organizations
- World Continuing Education Alliance (coming soon)
- World Health Organization
- Medscape
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control
- Global Health E-Learning Center
o Attending a national or regional scientific conference

• Pre-approved activities for pre-determined CEUs
o This includes attending clinical meetings such as grand rounds, conducting research, participating in policy development, serving as a preceptor, and participating other in-service training. For guidance on how to count and track CEUs for these activities, see the National Guidelines for CPD.

Download a printable logbook page here to track your CEUs
Are you a preceptor? Download a preceptor form to count preceptorship as CEUs